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Conducting a virtual interview (with a toddler present)

Writer's picture: Yo! Mama MeshYo! Mama Mesh

Picture this…You are working remote from home and scheduled to conduct an interview with a candidate. You’re all set, questions ready, camera on, and preparing to launch Zoom. Then all of a sudden, your “sick” toddler runs in the room. What’s your next move? Well this is the pre-story to one of my recent experiences. Kids are so resilient, especially when they are sick. One moment they are looking up at you with pity and pain in their eyes. And the next minute, they could be running around as if their medicine contained Red Bull.

I had to conduct an interview with a potential candidate for an open position. Miles was previously in another room asleep. I knew for sure he would at least be down another hour since he was restless overnight and not feeling well. So I’m on the virtual interview with 2 other panelists as we are asking the candidate questions. Midway through the interview, Miles walks in the room with excitement on his face, which means he feels a little better and about to get into some stuff. During the second half of the interview, Miles is running, screaming, trying to hop in my lap, finding powdered donuts and giggling while crumbling them up to throw like confetti all over the floor. He then runs out of the room to find my car keys and starts pushing the buttons which caused my trunk to open and horn to go off. During the panel interview, I was next to ask a question and had to politely smile and awkwardly pause my video as my background was filled with chaos. I go run hurriedly to grab him from the garage, and bring him back inside. He then begins to whine for me to turn the TV to Cocomelon and it better be the most fulfilling episode he’s looking for. I sit him down and return to camera. Miles soon finds his way again outside the garage door and knocking to come back in as the door locked itself behind him. As I sit back down, he mentions the words “pee pee mommy”, so I frantically look to ensure that I am on mute, trying to look normal as powdered donut fingers mysteriously pop up in the screen view wiping white powder on my black shirt, and a husband who is on an important mtg as well, walking by and talking like he’s in a rock concert on his call. I escort Miles to the potty to sit for a couple minutes as I wrap up the interview, but soon discover he has already “dropped a load“ in his Elmo training pants that definitely requires a bath versus simple wet wipe. I give him a patch up wipe that should hold him for a few min until my call is over but he will have to run “free” until it ends. Meanwhile, I have to keep him from hopping his nakey buns on my lap and off camera. The interview soon comes to an end and suddenly I hear silence and discover Miles has escaped again. I open the garage door to discover Miles trying out Mariah’s new skateboard. This life is not for the weak or weary folks lol. Happy Monday!

Peace & Love,

Yo! Mama

(pic from the 90s movie “Problem Child”)

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