Did December sneak up on anybody else? Still hard to believe it’s Winter! It’s getting harder and harder to find hiding spots for gifts for 3 growing children. Nobody gave me fair warning lol. I'm still proud of myself for making my own bows for our tree and customizing with a Mickey theme. Stay tuned for the Yo! Mama Shoppe. OK, now, here’s my Christmas story.
Twas the night before Christmas at the Malone house. All the kids were running around, not showing any signs of being sleepy. Luckily, I made my world famous sugar cookies a day earlier and Mike made chocolate chip cookies so no baking was necessary. Mike still made a few more “cookies for Santa” with the kids that night. I made some shirts for all of us to wear on Christmas day. Not our typical fashion as we usually dress in our Sunday best, but we had already worn it on Sunday to church lol. I love the movie Home Alone. Once I received my VCR as a gift in high school, aside from Kenan & Kel, I used to go to bed watching that movie a couple nights a week. In my married life, I always joke and say that we need our own show and I would call it Home Malone (a little play on words). I finally got around to making some shirts with that on it. I also worked on making some customized gifts for some of my homies. I’ll show pics of those after they receive them next week. After all that, a sister was tired. The kids were anxious to look in their stockings so I let them get them down off of the fireplace to peek at their goodies. After that, I walked by the front door and heard "Santa’s jingle bells”. The kids were like “What?!! Guys we have to hurry”. When I tell you I couldn’t stop laughing because they ran upstairs like an episode of the 3 Stooges. They were pushing each other out of the way running up the stairs trying to get in bed as fast as they could. Of course, I know my children. There’s always one that has to sneak back downstairs to ask a random question so no sudden moves on putting gifts out yet. Once they were quiet for a while, I went ahead and put out the gifts for the kids from Mommy & Daddy before Santa arrived. Once the kids go to sleep, I usually go in their rooms to make sure they hadn't kicked the covers off. I check in Mariah's room. Her light is off but she's not there. Hmm...I check Bubs' bed but he's not there either. Marshall appears to be the only one sleep in bed. I'm thinking like who's trying to be sneaky to see if they see Santa. Mike has dozed off on the couch so I tell him that I can't find the other 2 kids. He's like "they're prob sleep in Marshall's bed." So I calm down and go up there to check under his big cover. Still not there. I look in the bathrooms, tubs, closets, under my bed, the guest bedroom, the basement, and even look outside but still no sign of them. I wake Mike up once more and he's like "OK let me see". He then walks calmly saying "they are both sleep under Marshall's bed". Why & how in the world did they get under there?!! Now that my blood pressure is back to 120/80, I can get ready for bed now. Once I got back upstairs, I realized I still had to wrap like 5 more gifts for my relatives. Sigh! I activated the stash of energy I had on reserve and became a super wrapper. Once I finished, it was around midnight.
Surprisingly, the kids managed to sleep until around 8am. Marshall, of course, was the earliest to rise. All of them walked in our bedroom together like #squadgoals lol. Next, we all went downstairs to open our presents. We told the kids to find a gift “from santa” first to open. I won’t say who received a box with some lumps of coal from Santa but someone did receive the unfortunate gift. Now we kind of guessed this would happen from Santa so they still received some gifts from Mommy & Daddy. Better luck next year. Mike & I opened our gifts and were very pleased. Mine was something that will add to my creative outlet. We soon ate breakfast, took showers, and get ready to roll out to head over Mike’s dad’s house. Their granny previously mentioned that she was only going to get all the grandkids bikes but they still managed to leave with a lot of stuff. Everyone took pictures, ate desserts, sang karaoke Christmas jams, played a few games, and left to head to the next stop.
Last, we went over my mom’s house. Everyone opened their gifts. My mom was definitely surprised with her gift. I had to share the story with her of how I searched high and low to find it. The Kitchenaid mixer I had ordered from a store I won’t name online the first week of December. I didn’t receive any info on it and last week I had almost forgotten where I ordered it from. Mike realized he received an email on it with the initial one saying they were shipping it but they cancelled the order on the 17th without us knowing. So Saturday, I ran store to store looking for a replacement. The store I ordered it from had the red color that I wanted on display but refused to sell it to me as they didn’t want any liability if it was broken or malfunctioning in any way. I was too mad. I went home that day and something told me to call Bed Bath & Beyond. I asked the lady if that mixer in the red color was available and prayed as she had me on hold. Watching God work, she came back to the phone and said “yes we have it and can hold it for you”. I shouted “Yes! I’ll be there in 10 minutes to pick it up”. So long story short, mom finally received her mixer. Afterwards, the kids were in the living room with their gifts and I had a heart-to-heart talk with my brother. I know he dreads these talks but always have to check in. I had a chance to eat some of my mom’s famous (ok family famous) broccoli casserole . We later played Heads Up and I had some lottery tickets that we played the Left-Right game in reading a Christmas poem to follow. Soon my cousin Troy stopped by and I clowned him for showing up empty handed without any cookies J. All the fun and joy of the day soon came to an end as we headed back home. Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Love you all. Good night.